Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Would You Rather?: Final Round

 ( the final continuation of Would You Rather? Would You Rather?: This Round Would You Rather?: Wouldn't You Have Rather Would You Rather?: Run Would You Rather?: Next Round Ariana Would You Rather?: Fashion)

Would You Rather?: Fashion

 ( Continuation of Would You Rather? Would You Rather?: This Round Would You Rather?:Wouldn't You Have Rather  Would You Rather?: Run Would You Rather?: Next Round Ariana

Would You Rather?: Next Round Ariana

 (continuation of Would You Rather? Would You Rather?: This Round Would You Rather?: Wouldn't You Have Rather Would You Rather?: Run)

Would You Rather?: Run

 (Another continuation of Would You Rather? Would You Rather?:This Round Would You Rather?:Wouldn't You Have Rather )

Would You Rather?: Wouldn't You Have Rather

 (Another continuation Of the series Would You Rather? Would You Rather?: This Round ) 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Would You Rather?

 ( New Series, Using a Social Media Caption Style, This series and other captions in this style should help those who like shorter stories. don't worry my longer stories are not going anywhere.)

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Shocking News

     ( If you can guess my Favorite TV Show Sitcom, I will use your name in a magic remote caption)             (The catch is my friends can't submit a guess since they probably know. To keep it fair)(just comment your guess Below, also Credit to a friend for sending me the picture I used in this caption)

Friday, January 27, 2023

Starting A Journey: Rule The World

 ( Final continuation of Starting A Journey Starting A Journey: Good Decision Bad Decision Starting A Journey: Evil Intentions Starting A Journey: Still Friends? )

                                                            (Hope you enjoyed the series) 

Starting A Journey: Still Friends?

          ( Next Continuation Of Starting A Journey Starting A Journey: Good Decision Bad Decision Starting A Journey: Evil Intentions ) 

Starting A Journey: Evil Intentions

       ( Another continuation of Starting A Journey Starting A Journey: Good Decision Bad Decision )

                                                         (Is he an Anti Hero? Or A Villain?) 

Starting A Journey: Good Decision Bad Decision

                                     (The continuation of the Starting A Journey series, Starting A Journey )

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Starting A Journey

                                 (Start of a series for a special friend, Reposted and Rewritten) 

Internet Friend

                     ( Body Hopper Concept but with a twist for my version of the concept)

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Spa Day

                  ( This might be getting a Follow Up, Picture used was sent to me by a friend)

Lazy Sunday

                                                                            (Living The Dream)  

Award Winner

                                                    (Idea suggest by a friend, gotta love the Magic Taxi)

Monday, January 23, 2023


                                                                     (Reposted and Rewritten)


                                                          (Payback is never the answer)

As Advertised

                                                                  (Gotta love exchange island)

Letting Him Down Easy

                                          ( oof Rejection with an office crush, we've all been there 😉 )

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Golden Globes Confrontation

                                              ( Multi Caption, Collab with the talented Shifter) 


                                                                                   ( Meta)