Monday, August 21, 2023

Shifted Celebrity Interviews-A

New Project Announcement- Shifted Celebrity Interviews

 Hey everyone! I understand it's been a while and I apologize. I only write when the inspiration to do so is present. I haven't written on this blog in a while. I was writing some on my Shapeshifter for hire blog check that out. There are some fun captions over there. But I would like to announce I'm starting a brand new series for this blog! It's sort of like an ongoing anthology series! focusing on different characters who swapped bodies with celebrities during the great shift and how they are adjusting to their swaps. What you need to know is All these captions in this series take place in 2023 and the great shift took place in 2023 as well. Each caption in the series has its own individual storyline so no need to read captions you aren't interested in but I wish you would. All of these captions have been written so that they are meaningful in some way. I truly believe these stories will connect with all of you somehow in some way. Each caption I've written for this series is special to me. 

I was really inspired to start writing this because there's too much negativity in the world. So I thought why not write something like this in order to spread some positive stories using a concept we all know and love? Why not make a difference by writing? Sure not all of the series is going to be super serious captions but each caption is emotional and I hope they mean something to you as they have to me while writing them. If it's as simple as entertaining you while reading them that's fine, if a theme, character, lesson, moment, or idea sticks with you, even better. I can't wait for you all to read the first set of captions in the series. They will be posted shortly. if you enjoy them please comment. A lot of work has gone into writing this for you all, and it's been an emotional roller coaster for me to write. 

Thank you, Oscar Captions