Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Snap (40 Caps!!!) (Full Series + 4 Post Credit Captions)

 (Main Series)

(Parts 1-36)

(This was an absolutely massive project and I worked super hard on it. So please share it with your friends, and please please comment. Either here or on my discord I'd love to hear what you all have to say.) 

(and if you consider me a friend please, help build the hype for the series. and share it around!)

(Now enjoy a love letter to the MCU and TG Captions.) 

(Here we pose the question.... what if?)

(What if Thanos snap, caused a body swap event of epic proportions instead?) 

(and that's where our story ends for our cast of main characters. 
But it wouldn't be a marvel fan fiction series without some Post Credit Captions!)
(Post Credit Captions)
(Parts 1-4)

(The Snapverse will return.....)

(Join the Discord and once again please comment and show this series lots of love thank you) 

(It's hard to believe this series started with one caption, in a contest entry. but here we are. I sincerely hope you've all enjoyed it and had fun!!!!!)

(Side note I tried to add as many labels for the series as I could but Blogger only allows so many lol)

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